
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Driving Directions to the Hospital

Shockingly, we still have family members asking about driving directions to the SAME hospital where we delivered Addison.

Here's the information:
3330 Lomita Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90505

(310) 325-9110

Click here for a satellite aerial image of that I prepared. It shows you how to get to the hospital entrance, parking, visitors entrance, and more.

Click here for a PDF version of a 3D Map of the Hospital, for printing.

Click here for look for our baby's picture once he/she is born!

Click here if you want to send us an email while we're in the hospital.

Click here if you want to learn more about the Family Birth Center at Torrance Memorial.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Doctor’s Visit – 38th Week

Today is our last visit to Dr. Chen’s office before the big event!  Nothing really special happening other than the usual tests.  Dr. Chen measured Alicia’s heartbeat and it was beating in the mid-130’s.

“This is a sign of a very calm and mature heart rate.”

“Really!?  Maybe you should measure mine!”  I thought.

Dr. Chen also pushed his fingers into Amy’s lower tummy, and tried to get a sense of ‘how far down’ is Alicia.

“Oh, the baby is all the way down!  Very good!”

Dr. Chen also held Amy’s hands and showed her to feel Alicia’s head by pressing into her own tummy. 

Poor Alicia, she must be thinking what’s going on outside!

It’s a very short visit and I got a sense that Dr. Chen still believe that Alicia will arrive early.  Time can only tell!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 37th Week

Amy has been feeling 1-2 contractions per day, on a daily basis.  We were wondering if Dr. Chen would just tell us to check-in to the hospital and get Alicia out!  But instead, Dr. Chen predicted that Alicia will be born within the next 10 days. 

Shockingly, the prediction wasn't the breaking news of the day.  Instead, as Dr. Chen was looking at the chart, he mentioned that our C-Section is scheduled on July 13. 

"No, it's July 15."  We said. 

"Let's check with the Nurse outside."  Dr. Chen said.

Click, click, click... look, look, look...

"Yes, you are scheduled for July 13 at 7am."  The Nurse said.

"But we thought we picked July 15?"  I said.

"There are already 2 C-sections booked on July 15.  I had to put you down for July 13 instead."  The Nurse said.

"Gee, thanks for telling us!"  I thought to myself.

Not only that, we picked Noon on July 15 because we have to be there 2 hours prior to the surgery.  Now that the surgery is at 7am, it means that we have to be at the hospital by 5am!!

Other than this piece of shocking information, all other routine testing and checking went on as usual, and the results were fine as usual. 

We are now only less than 2 weeks away, with the possibility of an 'early arrival!'

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Amy told me this morning before I left for work that she had a few major contractions last night.  Since then, the contractions have stopped.

What did I do?  I've never left for work this fast!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 36th Week

Folks, we are in our final month/approach! As I'm typing this post, we are less than 4 weeks away from meeting Alicia for the first time! We were at the Doctor's again today, and this is what Dr. Chen had to say:
  • Although we think Amy's tummy is smaller than last time when she was carrying Addison, Dr. Chen measured and predicted that Alicia will NOT be 'light' when she's born.  He said that the second one is usually a bit heavier.  "Whatever!"  I thought.
  • Now that the pregnancy has reached the 36 weeks mark, if there's any sign of labor, he will perform the C-section.  Whereas if the pregnancy is less than 36 weeks, he would sustain the contraction to keep the baby inside the tummy longer, if possible.
  • Alicia's heartbeat was measured at 155 beats per minute

Other than that, it was just a short visit, and we are schedule to return next week!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just in Case...

The 97% certainty has been bugging me since the day it was quoted.  The fact that Dr. Chen couldn't confirm the gender last time tells me that it's a sign that I should be prepared for the remaining 3%.  Factor in my family history of 2 (Good Looking!) boys, I believe I have established sufficient evidence to convince myself for a backup plan. 

A backup plan of a Boy's name just in case!  The reason is because we have to provide a name within 48 hours of birth to the hospital, so that they can expedite the birth certificate process.  Regardless of the issue of name vs. gender, I doubt that I will have time to do anything once the baby is born, let alone searching and deciding on a Boy's name. 

The real problem is, we are well ware how few Boy's name (that begins with an 'A') are available to choose, based on our experience with/when picking Addison's name last time.
I reviewed the list again and these are the few options.  Let us know what you think?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Snow White is Pregnant!

Yes, and the baby is mine!

Pregnant Snow White (Back)

If you don’t believe me, here’s the evidence.

Pregnant Snow White (Front)

And my wife is very well aware of it too!

Pregnant Snow White (Side)

She’s carrying it a bit low, don’t you think?