
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doctor’s Visit – 26th Week

Time flies!  It’s time for another monthly Doctor’s visit.  It’s the same old routine again.  We got there; we waited; weight and urine test; blood pressure; fetus heart rate; a measure of the tummy.  Although the Doctor did say that based on the measurement of the tummy, the baby is 2 weeks ahead!

Dr. Chen also told Amy that she needs to do a blood test to find out her sugar content of her blood. 

Then, it was time for questions.

1)  Since we already know that Amy will be doing a caesarian, when the contractions come this time, do we still have to wait till the contractions gets to x minute interval and lasting over y seconds?

Answer:  No.  As soon as you feel anything, go straight to the hospital.

2)  And once we arrived at the hospital, will the nurse make us wait until “x minute; y seconds”?

Answer:  No.  The nurse will page me as soon as possible and I will come in for the surgery.

3)  Amy has been feeling some pain around her lower right abdominal area.  What’s up with that, Dr. Dude?

Answer:  Hmm… (looking at Addison) this little one is a ‘risk’ to your pregnancy.  Even though you are not lifting him up, you are still constantly looking after him, picking things up for him, and pulling/pushing him here and there.  The next time you feel the pain again, go straight to the hospital and ask for a fFN test. 

Our visit ended after the questions, and we returned home right after.  Our next visit is in a month’s time.

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