
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 30th Week

Another Doctor's Visit, another weight, blood pressure, and fetus' heartbeat check.  "The 4th A" was beating at 148 beats per minute.  Dr. Chen said it's the best heartbeat he'd heard all day.  I told him he said that only because we were his last patient of the day.  But he said 'no, I still have a C-section to do immediately after this.  They are waiting for me.  It's for a twins."

Fine!  As long as you don't tell me now that Amy is carrying twins, I really don't care what you'd planned to do after this!

We asked him if it's necessary to return to the hospital for another fFN if Amy feels the same kind of pain?  And he said 'yes.'

Other than that, it was just another quick visit.  Nothing really special.  The only change that is worthy of mentioning is... Dr. Chen has changed our schedule to visit every 2 weeks now! 

It's getting close!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait to meet the 4th A.
