
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 18th Week

We had our monthly doctor's visit with Dr. Albert Chen today. It was a rather quick visit because all Dr. Chen did was to check the baby's heart rate. It clocked-in at 150 beats per minute. We also asked Dr. Chen about a cyst that was discovered during our previous ultrasound at the Genetic Counseling office. Dr. Chen reviewed the report of the ultrasound scan and told us not to worry about it. He said the cyst should slowly go away as the pregnancy progress. If not, a surgery can certainly remove the cyst but he told us that there were only 1-2 cases in the past 10 years that he had to surgically remove the cyst prior to labor. 

We are due back for another visit in a month. Dr. Chen told us that we should be able to tell the gender of the baby next time. What he didn't know is that we also have another ultrasound appointment next week at the genetic counseling office, which we are hopeful to find out if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl. Stay tuned!

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