
Friday, February 13, 2009

The Results are In!

This afternoon, I received a phone call from the Genetic Counseling office to inform me with the blood test results.

Down Syndrome – It went from 1 in 6,600 from our First Trimester screening to 1 in 20,000.  The lowest score possible, according to the Doctor.

Trisomy 18 – First Trimester screening was 1 in 10,000, and we are now at 1 in 20,000.  It is also a lowest possible score. 

The Doctor also told us that the blood screening also included a Spinal Cord Defect test, and the result is 1 in 24,000. 

These are some very good numbers, especially when compared to what Addison scored last time

According to the doctor, all we have left to do at her (Genetic Counseling) office is some more Ultra Sound scans.  There are no further tests necessary.

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