
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Driving Directions to the Hospital

Shockingly, we still have family members asking about driving directions to the SAME hospital where we delivered Addison.

Here's the information:
3330 Lomita Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90505

(310) 325-9110

Click here for a satellite aerial image of that I prepared. It shows you how to get to the hospital entrance, parking, visitors entrance, and more.

Click here for a PDF version of a 3D Map of the Hospital, for printing.

Click here for look for our baby's picture once he/she is born!

Click here if you want to send us an email while we're in the hospital.

Click here if you want to learn more about the Family Birth Center at Torrance Memorial.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Doctor’s Visit – 38th Week

Today is our last visit to Dr. Chen’s office before the big event!  Nothing really special happening other than the usual tests.  Dr. Chen measured Alicia’s heartbeat and it was beating in the mid-130’s.

“This is a sign of a very calm and mature heart rate.”

“Really!?  Maybe you should measure mine!”  I thought.

Dr. Chen also pushed his fingers into Amy’s lower tummy, and tried to get a sense of ‘how far down’ is Alicia.

“Oh, the baby is all the way down!  Very good!”

Dr. Chen also held Amy’s hands and showed her to feel Alicia’s head by pressing into her own tummy. 

Poor Alicia, she must be thinking what’s going on outside!

It’s a very short visit and I got a sense that Dr. Chen still believe that Alicia will arrive early.  Time can only tell!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 37th Week

Amy has been feeling 1-2 contractions per day, on a daily basis.  We were wondering if Dr. Chen would just tell us to check-in to the hospital and get Alicia out!  But instead, Dr. Chen predicted that Alicia will be born within the next 10 days. 

Shockingly, the prediction wasn't the breaking news of the day.  Instead, as Dr. Chen was looking at the chart, he mentioned that our C-Section is scheduled on July 13. 

"No, it's July 15."  We said. 

"Let's check with the Nurse outside."  Dr. Chen said.

Click, click, click... look, look, look...

"Yes, you are scheduled for July 13 at 7am."  The Nurse said.

"But we thought we picked July 15?"  I said.

"There are already 2 C-sections booked on July 15.  I had to put you down for July 13 instead."  The Nurse said.

"Gee, thanks for telling us!"  I thought to myself.

Not only that, we picked Noon on July 15 because we have to be there 2 hours prior to the surgery.  Now that the surgery is at 7am, it means that we have to be at the hospital by 5am!!

Other than this piece of shocking information, all other routine testing and checking went on as usual, and the results were fine as usual. 

We are now only less than 2 weeks away, with the possibility of an 'early arrival!'

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Amy told me this morning before I left for work that she had a few major contractions last night.  Since then, the contractions have stopped.

What did I do?  I've never left for work this fast!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 36th Week

Folks, we are in our final month/approach! As I'm typing this post, we are less than 4 weeks away from meeting Alicia for the first time! We were at the Doctor's again today, and this is what Dr. Chen had to say:
  • Although we think Amy's tummy is smaller than last time when she was carrying Addison, Dr. Chen measured and predicted that Alicia will NOT be 'light' when she's born.  He said that the second one is usually a bit heavier.  "Whatever!"  I thought.
  • Now that the pregnancy has reached the 36 weeks mark, if there's any sign of labor, he will perform the C-section.  Whereas if the pregnancy is less than 36 weeks, he would sustain the contraction to keep the baby inside the tummy longer, if possible.
  • Alicia's heartbeat was measured at 155 beats per minute

Other than that, it was just a short visit, and we are schedule to return next week!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just in Case...

The 97% certainty has been bugging me since the day it was quoted.  The fact that Dr. Chen couldn't confirm the gender last time tells me that it's a sign that I should be prepared for the remaining 3%.  Factor in my family history of 2 (Good Looking!) boys, I believe I have established sufficient evidence to convince myself for a backup plan. 

A backup plan of a Boy's name just in case!  The reason is because we have to provide a name within 48 hours of birth to the hospital, so that they can expedite the birth certificate process.  Regardless of the issue of name vs. gender, I doubt that I will have time to do anything once the baby is born, let alone searching and deciding on a Boy's name. 

The real problem is, we are well ware how few Boy's name (that begins with an 'A') are available to choose, based on our experience with/when picking Addison's name last time.
I reviewed the list again and these are the few options.  Let us know what you think?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Snow White is Pregnant!

Yes, and the baby is mine!

Pregnant Snow White (Back)

If you don’t believe me, here’s the evidence.

Pregnant Snow White (Front)

And my wife is very well aware of it too!

Pregnant Snow White (Side)

She’s carrying it a bit low, don’t you think?

It's Official!

Yes!  We have the official news that the 4th A is NOT born yet! 

But we did decide on her name though.  Click here to find out.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 34th Week

Another Doctor's visit today doing the exact same procedures. The only difference is, Dr. Chen picked up the Ultrasound scanner afterwards! It means that we'll have another look at the 4th A!

Well, I bet you're already looking for pictures... but No!

Looking at the screen, Dr. Chen asked if we can tell what organ is showing on the screen... it's the beating heart, I said.  That was an easy quiz to answer.

And then he moved on to scanning the 4th A's belly. Dr. Chen said everything looks good.

"Can you confirm that this baby is a girl?" I said.

"Uh... I can't. Your baby is in the fetal position and he/she will stay that way until birth." Dr. Chen said.

"How about this, I'll give you a coupon for a return visit if it turns out to be a boy?" Dr. Chan said.

<I didn’t respond to that comment.>

So this is it!  Based on our previous pregnancy with Addison, I don’t think we will be having anymore ultrasound sound scan, unless we are past the due-date, which is rather impossible this time around. 

I was telling Amy that considering the 4th A is already ‘in position’, I wonder if SHE will meet us earlier than scheduled.  But Amy said Addison was ‘in position’ right around the same time too. 

I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out.

Our next visit is another 2 weeks.  I thought we are changing to a weekly visit, but Dr. Chen said meeting again in 2 weeks is fine.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We Have a Name!

After some intense discussion between Amy and Myself, we have finally reached an agreement that we'll pick the name with the least votes. 

Wait... but both Aaliyah and Anatolia are occupying the bottom spot with 1 vote. 

What shall we do?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We Are Asking for Your Input

We have narrowed down the choices of name to 10.  Between Amy and I, we both know each other's preference.  Unfortunately, we didn't pick the same name so we couldn't just agree on it, like we did with Addison. 

With 97% certainty, the assumption is that the 4th A is going to be a girl, and therefore, all these names are (supposed to be) girls names. 

To help you with the process, we have already decided on the Middle Name, and also, finally, agreed on the Last Name (Surname) as well.  The Middle Name for this princess will be Bernice.  Yes, along with Chan, it will be another ABC.  So don't just sit there, tell us which "A" you think will do best with Bernice Chan.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 32nd Week

The same old stuff happened during this visit.  Tests, Heartbeat, Blood Pressure, etc.  Our only question for Dr. Chen was to clarify when to go to the hospital should contractions begin. 

With Addison, we prepared ourselves based on textbook scenarios.  Meaning that we are not to leave for the hospital until the contractions are x minute apart, lasting more than y minutes.  (I used x and y because I don't remember what those numbers were.)  And if we get to the hospital too early, they will just send us home. 

But since we know this time around will be a C-section.  Shall we wait?  What if the contractions started in the middle of the night, but infrequent?  Shall we wait till the morning?  Here's the answer...

If less than 36 weeks, the moment Amy feels ANY contraction, she is to rush to the hospital.  The idea is that we want the baby to stay inside the tummy until he/she is past 36 weeks.  Otherwise, the baby may have to stay at the hospital a bit longer after birth.

If more than 36 weeks, if the contractions get down to once every 10 minutes, we can head to the hospital, regardless of what time of day it is. 

Our other question was Amy's blood test result for sugar content.  Dr. Chen said it was all good.

Our next visit is in another 2 weeks.  After that, it will become a weekly visit.  It's getting close!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 30th Week

Another Doctor's Visit, another weight, blood pressure, and fetus' heartbeat check.  "The 4th A" was beating at 148 beats per minute.  Dr. Chen said it's the best heartbeat he'd heard all day.  I told him he said that only because we were his last patient of the day.  But he said 'no, I still have a C-section to do immediately after this.  They are waiting for me.  It's for a twins."

Fine!  As long as you don't tell me now that Amy is carrying twins, I really don't care what you'd planned to do after this!

We asked him if it's necessary to return to the hospital for another fFN if Amy feels the same kind of pain?  And he said 'yes.'

Other than that, it was just another quick visit.  Nothing really special.  The only change that is worthy of mentioning is... Dr. Chen has changed our schedule to visit every 2 weeks now! 

It's getting close!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Hospital Visit

Remember the fFN test that I mentioned in my previous post?  Today, we have decided to stop by the hospital to run such test... to find out if "The 4th A" will be arriving within the next 2 weeks. 

Amy has been feeling the same pain around the same area in the past few days.  Therefore, per Doctor's suggestion, we have decided to run this test to see if it tells us more information about the source of the pain.

So as soon as I came home from work, I changed into something more comfortable, and then we headed out.

As we arrived at the Labor and Delivery Floor, I realized that this is Addison's first visit to this floor since he was born here!  And he has grown so much that he's actually holding my hand, walking with me!  Anyway, time to check-in!

Since we told the nurse that we were there for a fFN test, they put us into a slightly smaller room.  Once we have settled down, they ran a series of tests on Amy to make sure all the vital signs are good.  Meanwhile, I was starving and I had to head out for some food!

While I was gone, there was actually a 4.4 earthquake!  I didn't event realize there was an earthquake as I was too busy eating with Addison in the cafeteria a floor down.  I only found out after Addison and I returned to the room.  Here's a video of Addison walking around the room.

Here's another video showing the Baby's heartbeat.

After almost 3 hours later, the result is back.  "Negative.'  It means that "the 4th A" will not be born within the next 2 weeks!
This is good news!  But why is Amy feeling so much pain?  The nurse is guessing that there are ligaments around that tummy area.  So when Amy had to hold Addison's hand pushing and/or pulling him around, it's possible that Amy hurt herself without her knowing. 
Well, by then, I was all ready to leave because I was really tired.  We then packed up our stuff and left the hospital.  And Addison fell asleep rather quickly in the car too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doctor’s Visit – 26th Week

Time flies!  It’s time for another monthly Doctor’s visit.  It’s the same old routine again.  We got there; we waited; weight and urine test; blood pressure; fetus heart rate; a measure of the tummy.  Although the Doctor did say that based on the measurement of the tummy, the baby is 2 weeks ahead!

Dr. Chen also told Amy that she needs to do a blood test to find out her sugar content of her blood. 

Then, it was time for questions.

1)  Since we already know that Amy will be doing a caesarian, when the contractions come this time, do we still have to wait till the contractions gets to x minute interval and lasting over y seconds?

Answer:  No.  As soon as you feel anything, go straight to the hospital.

2)  And once we arrived at the hospital, will the nurse make us wait until “x minute; y seconds”?

Answer:  No.  The nurse will page me as soon as possible and I will come in for the surgery.

3)  Amy has been feeling some pain around her lower right abdominal area.  What’s up with that, Dr. Dude?

Answer:  Hmm… (looking at Addison) this little one is a ‘risk’ to your pregnancy.  Even though you are not lifting him up, you are still constantly looking after him, picking things up for him, and pulling/pushing him here and there.  The next time you feel the pain again, go straight to the hospital and ask for a fFN test. 

Our visit ended after the questions, and we returned home right after.  Our next visit is in a month’s time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 22nd Week

It's time for our monthly Doctor's visit again!

Although we were told during our last visit that we will receive an ultra-sound today, we didn't receive one today. The good news is, we already know that "The 4th A" is going to be a girl. Therefore, we were okay with it. We asked Dr. Chen some questions about the Due-Date. At first, we were told that it could be any day during the week before the Due-Date. But when we called last week to inform the nurse of the due-dates, she told us that the date we selected was way too soon. So today, Dr. Chen clarified the requirements to us. 

Apparently, it is the hospital's policy that a c-section cannot be scheduled more than 7-days prior to the expected due-date, because of medical liability reasons. But of course, just as Dr. Chen mentioned, there are plenty of occasions where the Mom goes into labor way sooner than 1-week prior to the due-date, and resulting in a c-section that is way sooner than 1-week out. In that case, the hospital has no option but to allow the c-section. But for now, we must follow this rule and therefore, the window of opportunity for a "scheduled" c-section appears to be between July 13 and July 15. 

We picked July 15 for now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here Are the Evidences

Yes, I know it’s been a long while since I promised to post some Ultrasound scans and videos of our second Genetic Counseling visit.  Our DSL (internet) at home has been down for more than a week, and I have now finally switched over to cable (TV and Internet) as my primary Internet Service Provider (ISP).  Enough of all these domestic issues, let’s get started!  Here’s a re-cap of what had happened during our second genetic counseling visit.

We arrived at the office with anticipation on finding out the gender.  In fact, we’ve been telling all family members that if the 4th A cooperate, we might find out the gender during the visit.  So on the morning of Feb 23rd, we arrived at the doctor’s office with great excitement!

Soon after we arrived, we were called into the exam room.  Amy got herself ready on the bed, while I had Addison in my arms.  The nurse-technician asked us a few general questions about how the pregnancy has been going, and if Amy has experienced any unusual symptoms.  We told the nurse that everything is fine and that Dr. Albert Chen had asked us/her for a re-scan of the reported cyst.  And immediately after, the scan had started.

First thing first, the size of the cyst that appeared during the previous scan had now reduced (in size) tremendously.  According to the Nurse, had it not been requested by Dr. Chen for a re-scan, she wouldn’t even bring it up as an potential issue.  She told us not to worry about it and it’s a good sign that the cyst has reduced in size, and in such great proportion. 

She continued her scan, and here comes the next question..

“Do you want to find out the gender of the baby?”

Amy and I both immediately responded with a ‘Yes.’

Which brought us to the following scan…


“Congratulations!  You’re having a girl.”  She said.

At that moment, I wish I had the camcorder on Amy’s face.  I don’t think I have ever seen such a smile on Amy’s face, ever, in my life.  That is including the day that I asked her to marry me, as well as the day of our wedding. 

From that point on, the remaining of the doctor’s visit was a bit blurry now because we were both so excited that we are going to have a girl in our family.  Amy was/is excited because of the obvious.  I’m excited because I don’t have to deal with the aftermath of Amy questioning me why it’s a boy again.

Here are the rest of the scans…





Here’s a video of the actual scan.  Based on some of the feedback that I received from the previous scan video/post, I want to state the following:
  1. I was the one holding the camcorder with one hand, while restraining Addison with my other arm/hand.  So if the video is a bit shaky, please cut me some slack!
  2. No, the screaming baby voice is NOT from the fetus!!  It came from Addison!!

With this visit and scan, the Doctor concluded that “the 4th A” does not have any visible birth defects based on the scans.  Although Dr. Kenneth Chan did mention that “the 4th A” is a bit under-weight.   Meanwhile, we are cleared from further genetic counseling (visit)… meaning that we don’t have to return to this office (ever again!?)

Monday, February 23, 2009

It’s a Girl!

With 97% certainly based on text-book analysis of the ultrasound images, both the nurse and the doctor declared that it’s a girl. 

I’ll post some Ultrasound images and a video later.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doctor's Visit - 18th Week

We had our monthly doctor's visit with Dr. Albert Chen today. It was a rather quick visit because all Dr. Chen did was to check the baby's heart rate. It clocked-in at 150 beats per minute. We also asked Dr. Chen about a cyst that was discovered during our previous ultrasound at the Genetic Counseling office. Dr. Chen reviewed the report of the ultrasound scan and told us not to worry about it. He said the cyst should slowly go away as the pregnancy progress. If not, a surgery can certainly remove the cyst but he told us that there were only 1-2 cases in the past 10 years that he had to surgically remove the cyst prior to labor. 

We are due back for another visit in a month. Dr. Chen told us that we should be able to tell the gender of the baby next time. What he didn't know is that we also have another ultrasound appointment next week at the genetic counseling office, which we are hopeful to find out if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Results are In!

This afternoon, I received a phone call from the Genetic Counseling office to inform me with the blood test results.

Down Syndrome – It went from 1 in 6,600 from our First Trimester screening to 1 in 20,000.  The lowest score possible, according to the Doctor.

Trisomy 18 – First Trimester screening was 1 in 10,000, and we are now at 1 in 20,000.  It is also a lowest possible score. 

The Doctor also told us that the blood screening also included a Spinal Cord Defect test, and the result is 1 in 24,000. 

These are some very good numbers, especially when compared to what Addison scored last time

According to the doctor, all we have left to do at her (Genetic Counseling) office is some more Ultra Sound scans.  There are no further tests necessary.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Second Trimester Blood Test

Today, we made a quick visit to the Genetic Counseling office for a blood draw.  With Amy’s pregnancy well into second trimester, it’s time for the second trimester blood screening.  Since our First Trimester blood test result was passed, with flying colors, we are hopeful that this blood test will result in similar manner. 

We’ll find out the results in about a week. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One Creative Video!

I just came across this video on YouTube.  Pretty Neat!  I appreciate the time it took the Dad (presumably) to shoot and edit this video.

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Trimester Screening Results

Got a phone call from the genetic counseling office today.  The doctor called to inform me of the blood test results. 

Down Syndrome – Based on our age, our risk factor prior to the blood test was 1 in 150.  The blood test result is 1 in 6600.

Trisomy 18 – Our risk factor prior to the blood test was 1 in 530.  The blood test result is 1 in 10,000.

Overall, these are some very good numbers, especially when you consider the numbers that we had for Addison at the same stage.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our First Genetic Counseling Visit

As mentioned, Dr. Chen referred us to Genetic Counseling, and today we had our first appointment.  Based on our past experience with Addison, the one good thing about going to Genetic Counseling, is the high-quality ultrasound that we get to do during our visits.  And based on all the souvenirs we have received, it looks like it was well worth it. 

When we first arrived at the doctor’s office, we thought we were going to go straight into the scanning room.  But instead, we were called into the actual office to sit down with the counselor for some in-depth interview.  We were then explained on the most common genetic-related issues, and the risk factors that we are facing, based on our age.  Once the interview is completed, we were transferred to the exam room for ultrasound. 






And not only do we have pictures, we have videos too!

And the baby voice you heard from the video came from Addison, and not from inside the tummy.  I had Addison in one arm, while holding the camera on the other hand, so the picture was a bit shaky.

After the ultrasounds, Amy drew blood for further tests, and we’ll find out the results in about a week’s time.